Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Is it just me...

Or does I, Robot look like ass? I've read the I, Robot short stories, and from what I've seen of the movie and it's plot, it has nothing to do with anything Isaac Asimov ever wrote. At the most, the movie uses some of Asimov's ideas, but it's certainly not based on one of his stories.

So that begs the question: why didn't they just adapt one of his novels? It would have been a better film, and it wouldn't have pissed off any fans. You wanna put Will Smith in it? Fine, but don't write some shlock that urinates all over a dead man's work.

On a semi-side note, I really think Will Smith should go back to TV and/or music full time. He hasn't made a good movie since Enemy of the State, and his last good summer "blockbuster" was Men In Black.

Anyway, back to the point. So the trailer shows masses of robots breaking out and doing some bad shit. Excuse me, what? One of the short stories was about a particular series of robots being made without one of the 3 rules, but rampaging robots? Talk about a hackneyed plot. Let's hope they don't screw up the adaptation of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

EDIT (10/10/2005): Yep, they screwed it up.

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