Tuesday, July 27, 2004


Or Democratic National Convention, for those not familiar with the acronym. Did anybody see the coverage of this last night? Good stuff. Al Gore, Jimmy Carter (who ripped Bush a new one, BTW), Hillary and Bill Clinton all spoke. Man, oh man, how I wish Clinton was still President. He's one charismatic son of a bitch.

Which begs the question: Why did Al Gore cut Clinton out of his Presidential campaign? Ok, so there was this scandal and that scandal, and he eats babies or something, but so what? The American people, as a whole, didn't care, because he was the best President we had had in a quarter century. If Clinton had been campaigning for Gore, the election in 2000 would have been a foregone conclusion. We know Gore won, but with Clinton on his side, there would have been no room for Bush to steal the election, because he would have lost by a landslide.

Regardless, I think Clinton should still be President. The only reason he's not is because some conservative bastards thought it would be a good idea to pass an amendment that limits Presidents to 2 terms. The reasoning was that the founding fathers wanted to escape British rule, so having a President for more than 8 years (like Roosevelt) would be too much like a monarchy. They forgot one key difference, though: when the President is ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE, it's not a fucking monarchy! If the people are willing to vote for the same man 10 times in a row, that man should be able to serve as their President, plain and simple.

So I say, instead of worrying about passing an amendment to ban gay marriage, or allow non-native US citizens to run for President, we should remove the Presidential term limit. Clinton in 2008!

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