Saturday, February 20, 2010

D&D Post #9 plus Annotations

The D&D campaign has ended as of last night. But! There's still more logs to post. Here's one from September.

Same players as last time: David the DM and TB the halfling rogue, Kevin the demon-born druid Alyster, Liz the rat fighter Liz, Trish the half-elf sorcerer who has now been named, but I can't remember it, and me the dwarf cleric Kelgar.

This log is available in two parts as streaming audio or mp3 download. Each part runs a little over 2 hours, with the whole session clocking in at about 4 hours and 40 minutes.


Part 1

Part 2

Get Part 1 Here
Get Part 2 Here

Here are the annotations for this session, #9.

Part 1
“Move along, move along. These aren't the statues you're looking for.” 19:30 – Pop culture reference, “Star Wars: A New Hope” film. Obi Wan told the Stormtroopers that these weren't the droids they were looking for, and that they could move along.
“She can't take any more, Cap'n! I don't have the power!” 1:52:10 – Pop culture reference, “Star Trek” TV show. Scotty, the engineer, said this often about the Enterprise.

Part 2
“Did you just say 'Abe Lincoln?' Nah, man, I said 'Hey, Blinken!” 0:12 – Pop culture reference, “Robin Hood: Men in Tights” film. We go on to talk about Monty Python and the Holy Grail, as well as The Princess Bride, which are both awesome movies. You should go see them if you haven't yet.
“It would have worked. If it weren't for you meddling kids!” 57:15 – Pop culture reference, “Scooby Doo” cartoons. Said by every single villain ever after being caught by the Scooby Gang.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

D&D Post #8 plus Annotations

Still behind on the logs. This is another one from August.

Same players as last time: David the DM and TB the halfling rogue, Kevin the demon-born druid Alyster, Liz the rat fighter Liz, Trish the half-elf sorcerer who has now been named, but I can't remember it, and me the dwarf cleric Kelgar.

This log is available as streaming audio or mp3 download. It runs about 3 hours.



Get It Here

Here are the annotations for this session, #8.

“It's an aluminum straw.” 5:57 – From 7-11. It's seriously bad ass. Great with milkshakes, slushes, pretty much any cold drink. And it's only a dollar!
“All we have to do is point to Heath.” 10:30 – I was wearing a shirt that said, “That's what she said.”
“Because it was huge....Thank you.” 21:54 – During the pause, Kevin pointed at my shirt.
“Holy shit, that is massive..... *laughing*” 22:55 - Kevin pointed to my shirt again.
“I have something in my throat..... *more laughing*” 30:32 - Again with the shirt. It's the joke that never gets old.
“So Kevin doesn't like beer.” 40:03 - Kevin had just tried some Sam Adams Boston Lager and made a face like he had seen Two Girls One Cup. Or possibly participated in Two Girls One Cup.
“Like in Empire. The snow speeders around the AT-ATs.” 1:02:48 – Pop culture reference, “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.” Luke defeated the giant AT-AT walkers by firing his tow rope at their legs then flying around them, wrapping up their legs until they fell over.
“The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly over here.” 1:45:28 – Pop culture reference, “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.” In the film, the Man with No Name played two factions against each other for his own gain.
“Yeah, I guess I'll have to do that.” “He won't.” 2:33:44 – I haven't done that.
“What do you mean 'these people?' What do you mean 'these people?' Huh?” 2:36:48 – Pop culture reference, “Tropic Thunder.” Robert Downey Jr is the dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.
“Well, whatever. Just start it.” 2:38:05 – I cut the audio that immediately followed. It was from this video clip.