Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Stupid Crap on Teh Internets

All these tests and shit on the internet are always way off base, and yet I can't stop myself from doing them. Where's the test that says, "You are a weak-willed asshole who feels compelled to do silly, generalized tests on the Intarweb"?


Yeah, that's total bullshit. Kind? Selfless? Ready to give of myself? Um, yeah, sure, whatever you say. It's rare for me not to have a bad word to say about somebody.


Do I want to be worth a million dollars in my lifetime? Hell yeah. Will I ever be worth a million dollars? Probably not, unless I win a lottery I never play.

IQ Test Score

Right. I'm a regional genius because I answered some logic questions on the internet. I should totally apply to fucking MIT.

1 comment:

Nikoda said...

Well, you do stand by your friends, so that's not entirely wrong and you have a good sense of when some poor sot has been wronged and you get angry for them which is sort of charitable. And I think I've heard you say a couple of nice things about people before, but yeah, that part's a little reversed. ;o)

Still, I maintain you're not as bad as you like to think you are.