Monday, May 22, 2006


Being a city boy, I've never seen raccoons before. Unless it was at the zoo. But certainly never in my backyard.

Until tonight.

At first, I thought they were cats in the patio, looking for food. It was dark, they scurried off, and I saw the wet footprints they left. Hmm, awfully long toes for a cat. I grabbed a flashlight and looked out at the back fence. They it hit it hard, and glanced back just before they went over. Cats don't wear bandit masks.

Raccoons! In my backyard. I wish I'd been able to get a picture, but they left too quickly, and the batteries were dead anyway.

But yeah, raccoons. Not sure where they came from, or why there were two of them. Big damn things, though.

One more completely unrelated thing: I was playing some Splinter Cell (the first one) tonight, and these checkpoints are really pissing me off. All I want to do is enjoy the game and watch the story unfold, but the game won't let me. I've played through the same section about 7 times because there's so much distance between checkpoints, and so many things can go wrong in the span of about 10 minutes. Fucking checkpoints.

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