Friday, January 11, 2008


It's entirely possible that I watch too much television right now, but I just discovered a great show: 30 Rock. It's not exactly new, since it's been on for a whole season and a half, but for some reason, I never watched it. I think it's because the promo spots always made it look like shit, like some kind of wacky, screwball comedy, and that's not the case at all. There's wacky screwball comedy at times, yes, but it's mostly smart, biting humor (like The Office). I'm halfway through the first season on Netflix's Watch Now deal. Good stuff.


Nikoda said...

The only thing I've been able to watch since Christmas is Bones seasons 1 & 2 that Shini got me. I haven't hardly touched the tellie. Just the DVD drive in my laptop. It's kinda sad, really.

Also, my word verification word is plapt. I find that hilarious for some reason.

Duke Norik said...

Bones is good. Can't go wrong with Bones.

In addition to 30 Rock, though, Earl just came back to finish out the rest of the pre-strike eps, and Moonlight just did the same, Prison Break is next, and then Reaper, Smallville, and Supernatural.

Plus, there's the new shoes like the Sarah Connor Chronicles, Eli Stone and New Amsterdam, not to mention returning shows like Lost, Jericho...See what I mean about watching way too much television?