Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Rumors Of My Death

Have been greatly exaggerated. Allow me to explain.

You may have heard that Heath Ledger was found dead in his apartment earlier today. While I didn't particularly care for him as an actor, he was only 28 and had a young daughter, so his passing is a real shame.

Today at work, I was walking around the third floor speaking with some of my former coworkers (when I got promoted, I moved to the second floor, so I rarely get to see the folks on the third floor anymore). Apparently, when the news broke, someone on my old team had said, "Did you hear who died? Heath Ledger!" and people's ears stopped working after they heard, "Heath." Before the tears started flowing and fund-raising for a flower arrangement began, however, it was clarified that I had not died, but an actor with the same first name as me had died.

Rest in peace, Heath.


Nikoda said...

Actually, I think the apartment he was in belonged to one of the Olsen twins. Because, you know, overdosing on drugs isn't shameful enough to your poor kid. What a jerk. At least the Dark Knight has already wrapped. Holy crap would I be pissed if it hadn't. *laughs*

Nikoda said...

Of course, the article I just read stated it wasn't an Olsen's apartment and that was misrepresentation of facts. That same article almost made it sound like playing the Joker disturbed him too much but there's no real hint that he committed suicide intentionally. That's a novel concept. Actors playing roles so dark that it fucks them up to the point they off themselves.