Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Anybody Want an Xbox?

Seriously, because I've had it. Microsoft is "updating their system" so the repair order didn't go through. I called back today to see if the update had finished, and they still can't process any orders. Not only that, but "as of yesterday, (they're) no longer able to send out prepaid shipping boxes." So they expect me to pay for shipping of my dead box to their repair center, too.

Hey assholes, if you'd taken care of my shit four days ago when I called initially, you could have sent me a goddamn prepaid shipping box, huh? For your fucking busted system that you saddled me with, huh? That I have to pay you to take back, and pay to ship to you. Should I give you my bank account number, too? So you can just make an automatic withdrawal every month in exchange for fucking me up the ass?

Seriously, when does it stop? Because I don't see any end in sight. The PS3 launch (as impotent as it seems to be) and the Wii launch are less than a month away. Now is not the time to be changing policies and pulling bullshit. Now I remember why I hated Microsoft with a goddamn passion 5 years ago.

So I'm calling back tomorrow and asking for a supervisor who "has the authority" to process a repair order not only at no charge, but to send out a fucking prepaid shipping box. Then when I get the replacement back, I'm boxing it up (in the original box) and selling it on eBay. Because I'm fucking done with Microsoft and their bullshit. Right here, mother fuckers.


Nikoda said...

Dang. That really blows. If I had the money, I'd send you a whore-gram. *G* Or, at least to Vegas.

Nikoda said...

Um...Maybe I'm doing the math wrong here, but considering you got your box back Aug 30 or so...that's a bit more than 30 days ago. ;o) Not that they couldn't be less obnoxious about it, but... ;o)

Duke Norik said...

That's not the point. That's what they want the point to be, but I'm going on what the rep told me back in August: that my warranty would extend until October 19. It's not my fault he fucked up.

Now, can any individual rep fix this problem? No. Just like I can't reinstate someone's account after 30 days for non-payment. Those are the rules that I have to abide by just like they do, because I don't have that authority. But when I ask for a supervisor, the supervisor has the authority to fix the problem, and they had better fix it. They've already lost me as a customer, now they just need to make sure I don't shout shit from the rooftops (though I will anyway, because fuck them).

Nikoda said...

Oooh. I missed that Oct 19 part. That was retarded on the rep's part. You shouldn't be faulted for a rep who can't do math or whatever. And that is bad business that they don't fix it correctly. I can understand idiots calling up and saying "Uh..well..JIM SAID..." etc. but they usually give up if it doesn't work. Generally, people that insist things are probably telling the truth or, at the very least, the type to shout shit from the rooftops. *G* Both should be dealt with well.

Duke Norik said...

Not to mention that we document every single call. Granted, health care is a little more important than video games, but I imagine Microsoft has a similar policy. If someone calls up and is spouting shit about how "so and so said I could do it," we know if they're lying, and we know if they're not.

As for the status on my call-back, I simply didn't have time to deal with bullshit today (and their system is probably still "being updated" anyway), so I'm going to call tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.