Thursday, April 06, 2006


Guess what arrived today? My X360, that's what. It was waiting for me when I got off work, so I set that badboy up and got to playing some Oblivion (that had been sitting on my shelf for 2 weeks, waiting to be played). It's so much more fun playing Oblivion with no lag due to an aging video card.

Ghost Recon hasn't arrived yet, in fact, it just shipped today. I can't wait for that, though, especially online. I activated my free one month Xbox Live Gold subscription today, so once I get GR, it's time to own people online in the face. I also need to pick up a copy of Fight Night Round 3, so Justin and I can beat the shit out of each other in stunning HD. That should be fun.

Oh, and the wireless controller? Kick ass. I thought the S controller was one of the best controller designs ever, but the 360 controller has it beat. It's got the same design as far as the analog sticks, D-pad, and four buttons go, but the back and start buttons are moved up to the center (where any old school gamer know they should be. Remember Select and Start on the old NES pad? Of course you do), and the black and white buttons have been eliminated. Instead, there are two additional shoulder buttons (called "bumpers") in addition to the standard triggers. The size is perfect, it fits nicely in my hands, and it isn't too heavy or too light (even with two AA batteries). Kudos, Microsoft.

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