Monday, December 22, 2008

If You Build It, You Will Bleed

So Bill Harris posted today about building computers, and it made me want to talk about my own experience building computers. Specifically, about the blood involved.

You see, I've built every PC I've ever owned myself (with the exception of one, a store-bought Compaq that I shall never speak of again), and in every one I've put a little bit of myself. Literally.

One time I was reaching in to the case to plug in a cable and scratched the shit out of my knuckles on a sharp edge. I don't know if you know this, but knuckles bleed. A lot.

Another time I was screwing in a drive, slipped, and jabbed the screwdriver into my palm. That brought blood, but mostly pain.

Finally, there was the time that I was trying to pry out a drive bay with my fingers, slipped, and sliced my finger open on a protruding metal tab. I still have the crescent shaped scar just below the second knuckle on my left index finger. It matches the one in the same place on my right index finger that was made through a completely different and unrelated accident, but that's a story for another day. Regardless, there was much blood, much pain, and probably some stitches if I had bothered to seek medical attention. Remember, there was a computer that needed to get built.

I haven't built a computer in a few years now, so who knows what's next. But if it's sharp, pointy, jagged, or even blunt, you can bet I'll slice, stab, tear, or crush myself in some way that brings the blood. Oh yes, there will be blood.


Bort said...

You nimrod.

About the worst thing I've done when building a computer is plugging the video card in with the power on.

I have yet (and now that I say this, my next computer build will probably slit my throat) to harm myself when building a computer.

Duke Norik said...

Of all the words that have ever been used to describe me, nimrod is a first. But it fits.

I don't know, there's just something about putting together a computer that brings out the clumsiness. Mind, it's only the initial build that causes problems. Upgrades are always smooth, no matter how large (like a mobo or processor).

Anyway, good to see you're still alive! Merry Christmas!

Nikoda said...

Holy crap it's David.

(Yeah, I'm a little late. Hush.)

Also, dang, Heath. Maybe next time you should sacrifice a chicken before building. And then you can have a new computer AND tasty barbecue.

Duke Norik said...

Mmmmm, barbecued chicken...

Bort said...

I have stupid fingers. I know this. I have trouble putting together the simplest things. And yet I still try to put things together.

With the exception of a chair I bought from Ikea nothing I build, no matter how allegedly simple, takes forever and a string of profanities before I'm done.

I can get the job done but that is more out of being stubborn than being handy.