Monday, September 22, 2008

I Hate Sheep

I want to talk a little bit more about Spore eventually, but I might end up doing that in a full fledged review over at Kitsune Games. Dunno, we'll see how it goes.

Anyway, right now, I want to talk about how much I hate sheep. No, not the fluffy mammals, the people who can't think for themselves. Those people who read things on the internet and take it to heart, with no regard to what they actually believe.

Take, for example, television, which is a subject near and dear to my heart. New shows will come out, and they'll be great. Everyone will love them. A couple years will pass (or sometimes just one), and then all of sudden you hear people say, "Oh, that show? The first few seasons were good, but it's terrible now." What happened? The internet happened.

Here's some examples.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is somewhere on my top 5 list of the Best TV Shows in the History of TV Shows Ever. However, I disliked the seventh season, for reasons that are my own. I really, really liked the fifth, and especially the sixth, seasons, though. Seemingly everyone else on the planet hated everything after the fourth season. Why? Because the internet says so.

Heroes. Not in my top 5, but certainly in my top 10. The first season was fantastic. The second season, while cut tragically short by the writer's strike, was equally so. Everyone else? The last episode of the first season was terrible, and the second season was a mess. So says the internet.

Veronica Mars. Perhaps the single best TV show I've ever seen. Three seasons was definitely not enough time to spend with Ms. Mars. I can honestly say I enjoyed each successive season more than the previous one. I'm definitely a minority of one, though, because everyone else says things started to go downhill with season 2, and season 3 was nearly unwatchable. Blame the internet.

What I'm trying to say is that when some idiot on the internet blasts a TV show for a supposed drop in quality (either real or completely imagined), everyone jumps on the bandwagon. This type of behavior probably leads to quality shows getting canceled. Basically, morons bleating about "bad" TV shows gather others to their cause, they all believe the rhetoric, stop watching, the ratings go down, and the shows get the axe. I don't actually have any data to support it, but that's my theory. Fucking sheep.


Nikoda said...

Well, you may get to do Spore yet. Nick sayeth he wishes to do it but he hasn't even signed onto the blog to do it. If he hasn't done anything or shown any sign of doing anything by the end of the day I be pulling rank and handing the review over to you. I would have done something sooner but between work and getting sick I've been a little slacker.

On the topic of sheep: Yes, they suck nuts. We should totally start internet memes of hate on reality shows.

Oh yeah! Did you know that the girlfriend from the Black Donnelly's is on House now? At least, she was the last I was able to watch it. Took me forever to figure out why she was so familiar. *laughs*

Duke Norik said...

Yeah, either way, it's cool. If I don't get to do Spore I can always do GTA4, or Jeanne D'arc, or Hotel Dusk, or any of the other games I've played in the past year or so.

Man, I miss the Black Donnelly's. That was a great show. One of the brothers played a gunner in Generation Kill, and he was awesome.